I've learned that trust is a valuable, extraordinarily fragile thing. It can be broken with just one word, and takes years to gain back. Trust can be as dangerous as any gun, and as beautiful as the most vibrant sunset. It is rare, though, in its purest form. True trust can only be found in Christ, who will never leave nor forsake His children, no matter what they go through, or say to Him in anger, or how they change over the years. His Word is true, and His Love is pure- how can we not trust Him with our entire being? He will never break a heart or lie about anything, will never gossip or break a promise. He is the only One who we can ever trust- so why do we risk being betrayed by other humans? Why do we give them our trust and pour out our hearts, with no
guarantee of them returning the favor or protecting our secrets? We search for another person who we can trust completely, with every single thing in our lives, every trial and error, every triumph and every heartbreak. But more times than not, trusting someone results in that same heartbreak that you may have shared with them. It is inevitable that we will let
each other down, but must it be so frequent and so painful when we do? How do we keep trust in someone, despite their guaranteed betrayal?
From what I have seen, we cannot.
My own experience has shown that we must place all of our trust in Him and Him alone, guarding our hearts and our desires and our pain, so that we may be kept whole in His grace. Once we find that person who we believe we can trust, we must go to Him in prayer, to be certain that we will not be let down again, and that if we are, we will not be so devastated by the consequences of our misplaced trust.
Perhaps I am wrong, or mistaken in my views of trust. But this is the way I see it, and because of these experiences and lessons learned, I will place my trust in Him alone.
In you, Lord my God,
I put my trust.
I trust in you;
do not let me be put to shame,
nor let my enemies triumph over me.
No one who hopes in you
will ever be put to shame,
but shame will come to those
who are treacherous without cause.
Psalm 25:1-3
And that's what I think.